Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Phoenix March for Human Rights- January 2017

The Nationwide March for Women’s Rights should have been called March for Human Rights. People carried signs supporting a wide variety of causes that Trump’s administration seems to be leaving behind. 

This was not a nationwide protest.  It was a worldwide protest. There were over 670 marches in places including Berlin (where signs made references to the city's experience that walls don't work),  Paris, Buenos Aires, even Antartica. Events occurred in more than 670 locations worldwide. And we're not going away. 

I think that the media tends to underestimate the size of demonstrations. Have you seen any photos of the crowds in Chicago? It sure looks like more than 250,000 to me. Closer to half a million is my guess. They say there were more than a million in Washington alone. Possibly a lot more. 

We got a good turnout in Phoenix despite unpredictable weather. I am guessing 25,000 but I was never in a place where I could see an overview. 

The first thing I noticed were how many men were there. In fact the first marchers I saw was a father with his 10 year old daughter. He was carrying a sign which said “I am doing this to make the world safer for my daughter.” 

Actually about 25% of the people were carrying signs. I am so glad it didn’t rain which would have made Phoenix look like other colder or wetter cities. 

The protest started in front of the House of Representatives at the State House and went around a few blocks. People were chanting things like” Love Trumps Hate,” and “Love Not Hate, Will Make America Great.” 

There is not much I can say about this civil protest that the signs don’t say for me. I posted about half of these on Facebook but not all my friends are on Facebook so I am reposting some of them here. 


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