Monday, January 6, 2020

Endless Packing

No doubt about it, some parts of life-on-the-road are great, like revisiting favorite places and seeing old friends in new places. However, there is a downside too and a large part of that is frequent packing and unpacking.

Right now I am trying to pack for the next ten months and am surrounded by suitcases. There is one little suitcase for southern Arizona next week. There is another suitcase for Argentina next month and one for Japan in the spring. You may recall that last winter I brought a suitcase of things for a friend who lives in Argentina including four bird feeders and a lifesized ceramic chicken. This year I'm bringing smaller items from Amazon.  Finally, there are boxes (I have run out of suitcases) for the Pacific Northwest in the summer. I dreamed about luggage last night.

We move out of this condo soon and I don't expect to be back in my storage space until next November. So I am planning and packing bags and boxes for the next year,

Packing isn't as hard for Franklin, by the way. He wears pretty much the same clothes everywhere. All he needs to do is wash and repack.

Ok, I just needed a little break. Break over. Back to work.


  1. Your dream about luggage got a chuckle out of me. Life is simpler for men, isn't it?
    I look forward to seeing you both next month in BsAs.

  2. Packing IS hard work, Amy. And let's face it, men just wear pants. But we do get the fun of wearing lots of gorgeous outfits, so there's that. Big hug from OR where it's cold and raining!


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