Monday, July 13, 2020

Favorite Travel Photos

I enjoy photography and since I don't have a lot of new experiences to share here,  I thought I would share some of my favorite travel photos instead.  If some of these photos look like paintings that was my intention. Most of these photos are from The Nomad Years.

Nicaragua. Taken from a moving car. As so many of my photos are. 

A timeless photo on the Big Island, Hawaii

Young girls in Guadalajara, Mexico.  

Flamingos in the Florida Keys

 Was this something I dreamed?  It doesn't seem real to me. 
We were in Utah driving down a quiet country road. I saw this scene, turned the car around to confirm what I thought I saw. 

A young girl milking a cow. Utah

Vang Vieng, Laos. A rather strange but scenic place in the middle of nowhere where Westerners go to hike and get high. 

This was a detail from a photo of a streetcar in Lisbon. I thought it looked like a painting

This is the original photo of a streetcar in Lisbon, Portugal from which I took the detail above.

A plaza in Cascais, Portugal where Franklin and I considered living when we first became nomads. 

A street in Sitges, Spain

The colorful and fanciful Pena Castle in Sintra, Portugal.  Madonna has a castle in the same town. 

Franklin walking down a street in Cascais, Portugal. Maybe you can see why I wanted to live there. 

A quiet corner of Barcelona, Spain

A terrace in Malta. If I could paint I think I would try to make a painting of this. 

A hidden door in Barcelona I think. So many questions. Why? Where? Who? When? 

A Gaudi building in Barcelona, Spain

Late afternoon in lovely Lucca, Italy. 

A dramatic storm in Cascais, Portugal. 

Taken in the golden light of the late afternoon on a river near Dijon, France

An outdoor cafe in Paris, of course. Where else would someone wear a hat like that? 

An abundance of trucks in rural Idaho en route from Portland to New Mexico

Franklin walking in Arches National Park in Utah

This looks so much like a painting that I had to check the camera data to make sure it was actually a photo. Taken from a moving car in rural New Mexico north of Albuquerque. 

If you enjoyed these please let me know and maybe I'll post some more over the summer. 

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