Sunday, August 24, 2014

Farm tours

 Seal Rock, Oregon, where we are staying,  is fairly rural. It flunks what Franklin and I call 'the bottle of milk test." Which means we are 20 minutes from the closest grocery store.- too far to make a quick run to the store in case of an emergency.  I've lived in the suburbs, like Scottsdale, or on beaches most of my life so this is a new experience for me (us). And while we would not chose it for a permanent life style we are enjoying being in the country for these 6 weeks weeks. 

Today a nearby farming community offered farm tours. Seven or so farms opened their doors so you can see a variety of livestock- goats, cows, llamas, peacocks, and buy some of their fresh produce and flowers. We took this self guided tour last summer and did it again today. 
In the cooler weather of Oregon many if not most crops are grown or at least started in greenhouses. 
Our favorite is the farm which has peacocks and llamas. These are not working llamas like we have in Arizona, which people use for pack animals on hikes or treks. These are 'rescue llamas". I am not sure what that means but it seems to include doing no work, just acting as pets. Here are a few photos of llamas and peacocks. 
 A llama
 Two llamas
 An old man and a goat. Maybe I should say two old goats.
A white peacock. Since last summer the farmer got rid of most of her colored birds and is now raising white ones only. 

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I also bought some flowers (dahlias) and vegetables. 
Next weekend we move from Seal Rock to Portland for 10 days. We will stop en route at a fabulous dahlia festival with acres of dahlia gardens and bulbs to sell. I can't buy any flowers  at the festival as it is too much trouble to transport them to our hotel. And I can't buy any bulbs as they won't grow in our Arizona heat. Instead I got a few dahlias to enjoy this week instead. 
Here is a photo from last year's dahlia festival. I seem to have misplaced all the photos of the gorgeous flowers that I photographed last year. Nevermind. There will be more photos next week after this year's festival. 

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