Thursday, November 27, 2014

Christmas Markets Opened today in Munich.

Despite the weather I feel very at home in Germany. My family left here over five hundred years ago but continued to consider themselves German and spoke German for five centuries. Both my parents spoke it too and my father's job during the war was to translate both German and French. This is my third trip here is brought the years and I like it a lot, although I'll admit to having some trouble both here and in Austria with their history. And their height. Six feet tall women are very common here. And shopping- well, it is like trying to shop in Walmart where everything is a size extra large. The stores don't even have clothes small enough for me. Maybe I should check the children's department.

Speaking of shopping the Munich Christmas markets opened today. Mostly Christmas oriented goods like ornaments, as I expected. Here is a photo of the Christmas Market in Marienplatz, the heart of old historic Munich near our hotel.I won't post too many photos because I am sure I will post at least one from each port on our  Danube River cruise of Christmas Markets in four different countries

I know my blog is usually longer but all the it instructions  here for me are in German and I cannot write more than a paragraph or two nor send more than one photo or two so if you are interested to hear about a European ,Christmas market by night you need to see the next blog.

The Market is in front of the New Town Hall, a gorgeous Gothic building. The glockenspiel clock which I posted yesterday is out of view on the top of this building. 

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