Monday, February 26, 2018

Be Here Now

I like to post photos of my travels. But this website has changed the method for posting photo and i am having trouble figuring out how to do it. I do want  to share my travel experience but don’t care to share a travelogue of what I did today. So that leaves me with a chance to share what I am learning on my travels. Franklin says no one cares. Maybe that is true. But what is the point of gaining wisdom if you don’t share it? Hopefully soon I’ll gain the wisdom to figure out once again how to share photos. In the meantime here are some thoughts.

Be Here Now was the title of a book - and philosophy - by Ram Dass, formerly Richard Alpert, Tim Leary’s associate in the early days of the psychedelic movement, and a major influence of many early hippies like me. Oh yeah, also on Steve Jobs.

The phrase Be Here Now is one I say to myself frequently. I have a mild case of Attention Deficit Disorder and focusing on the present it’s not always as easy for me as it is for the rest of you. So I need to remind myself every so often to focus on what’s going on around me and not get distracted.

But now, I see so many people are so addicted to their cell phones that I am more present than many people around me. Indeed, I find my attention span to be doing pretty well compared to the consensus reality.

At first I though it was a joke. Or maybe a coincidence. All these tourist and travelers who went to so much trouble and expense to reach this beautiful place. But instead of enjoying the view or the vista, they are on their cell phone checking their mail, Facebook, or whatever sites young people follow. Anyway, they are not In The Now.

The other day in Lisbon I took a tram ride advertised as the most scenic ride in the city. I stood at the back of the tram so I could take photos. I was next to a Chinese family. But the man never interacted with his wife or daughter or looked up at the views.  He was on his cell phone the whole time looking at pictures of new cars for the entire trip.

I’m using him as an example but he was in no way unique. So many people are totally addicted to their cell phone and cannot disengage and Be Here Now. I started to do a photo shoot of people taking selfie‘s but it stopped being funny quickly. Apparently I’m the only person on the planet who doesn’t take selfie‘s. Or even own a selfie stick. Those African guys you used to see in Southern Europe selling knock off designer purses? Now all they sell are selfie sticks.

I signed up for an online course to take better iPhone photos, because I don’t want my pictures to look like a postcard. But apparently that’s a old fashion point of view. Because no one‘s taking postcard style pictures anymore. Everyone is taking selfie‘s. Me in front of this monument, me in front of this sunset, on and on and on. The postcard shot would probably be a novel change for most people.

Too bad Ram Dass is gone.  His message is very current. Experience your life. Be Here Now. It’s not about showing your friend where you went, it’s about you having the exceptional life experience of this moment in time. And being there now.

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